Profile Picture🌺Chelsea 🛍 Etsy Shop Owner/Designer

Hi, my name is Chelsea.   I’m a wife and mom of two girls.  I have a bachelor’s of science in Marine Science.  I also worked in the corporate world for over 10 years.  My heart wasn’t in it and due to a toxic work environment, I had to leave my job.    Being at home with my girls’  milestones was important to me.  I knew I had to find a way to earn money online and create time freedom and financial freedom.  After many failed attempts at online ventures,  3 years I finally found some techniques and things that actually worked!   It was something I loved doing and actually wanted to work on all of the time.  My time and energy started to pay off and reap in monetary rewards! The key factor was finding something that aligned with my passions, and what I was good at. My passion and love and skill has always been with creating and artistic things.  This is the magic ingredient to creating a business that can be successful! Now fast forward to why I created My Business Catalyst Mechanism… My oldest has always been advanced at her age.  It was my goal to keep her engaged and interested in learning new things and practicing what she’s learned.   My oldest came to me one day and requested that I helped her open her own Etsy Shop, to sell things she makes.  After finding success with my online business.  I knew I was on to something!   Right then I created a fun and easy step by step work packet, on how to create her own successful Etsy shop.   She easily followed it mostly independently, researching, brainstorming, and writing out her ideas for her shop. Then I used her information she filled out on the worksheets to create a real shop. Within the month, she made 10 sales and got her first 5 star review! Seeing how excited she got and how eager she was to send out her orders, and bring more products to her customers, I knew I had to do this for more parents. That joy and excitement she has everytime she gets an order, brings so much joy and light to me and my husband’s hearts. It ignites inspiration and motivation in our business and helps us to level up with a newly invigorated drive! Learning how to create successful online businesses as a family, brings us all closer together.  Our 4 year old also wants her own Etsy shop to follow in her big sister's footsteps.  It truly is amazing to watch how contagious their excitement is, and how supportive of each other everyone is.


My Business Catalyst Mechanism

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Kids 1st Business Plan for Ambitious Kid Entrepreneurs PDF

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Pilot Program Limited Spaces Available- My Business Catalyst Mechanism: Child Entrepreneur Introduction Course
